Levenseinde (end of life) is an exploratory project into what interaction can do to improve communication between the terminally ill elderly and their loved ones.

Levenseinde (end of life) is an exploratory project into what interaction can do to improve communication between the terminally ill elderly and their loved ones.
BezintĀ eer ge begint is a relaxed choose your own painting game.
In Burst, you glide peacefully ever forward. Until. An artgame.
EGA is an arcadey game in which you do two simple things: you collect stuff and you avoid stuff. Easy.
Stairwell is an artgame about growing old.
Story platformer featuring just two keys. Discover a strange temple using an even stranger power.
The verhalenmachine is a story generating application. Sometimes it makes sense.
The Wheel game is a circular platformer. Try to complete levels as fast as possible, or give the alternative coin collection mode a shot.