The Wheel game is a circular platformer. Try to complete levels as fast as possible, or give the alternative coin collection mode a shot.
Note: this game is unfinished. It contains uncompleted features and has no definite ending.
Play time
2 minutes per level (save/load option available)
30 minutes in total
Wheel game windows standalone (859 downloads )Project Description
The Wheel game was one of the earlier games I made. It was based on an idea by a former classmate. The original game featuring only five levels was released on 22-2-2011. On 22-7-2011 I released an update featuring the second level set.
Unfortunately I never got round to finishing it, which means it contains quite a lot of unfinished features. (eg. the shop needs some fleshing out)
I had some ideas for bringing in a final boss you’d have to defeat, but ultimately other projects proved more interesting or urgent to work on.
Project Role
I designed, programmed and created all assets except all the sound assets.